Their living space is cramped, they have multitudes of children and they are totally clueless as to what they are going to eat tomorrow. Somehow, today is gone.
They actually think they deserve such a life. In their deeply troubled eyes we can see how some of their hearts and minds have been crushed and broken many times over. Even if the husbands beat the life out of them, they’d still stand up for him, for they know no other way of existing. They’ve become so accustomed to ‘hell’ that they don’t want to be rid of it.
How would they smile fully you’d wonder, existing in such conditions.
It’s not easy to break the walls of iron they’ve built around themselves. It’s a huge challenge for the KidScare team members to penetrate these walls and reach out to the innocent kids. We offer fresh hope for them by giving, sharing and being with them…. and their thankful half-smiles reveal it all when we go for our fortnightly visits.
Wouldn’t it be a blessing to make a difference in these fellow humans’ lives?
The milk we spend money on to pour on a deity, if we pour into the stomach of a hungry infant, wouldn’t He (God, I mean) be happier?
We need committed volunteers who are willing to spend at least a few hours of their time, in a month, to assist some of these families who are living in woeful conditions. Not the kind of stories you’d hear from Human Rights groups in Arab or Africa, but in the midst of us, right in front of our eyes, not having a single ringgit to feed their children, and always being on the verge of giving up on life if not for the many children they’ve willingly or unwillingly brought to earth. These are examples of some of the cases we’re dealing with.
Case1: This woman and her 7 children have never been to KL though they live not far off. The husband, when he’s not drunk, gives her RM50 or so. The welfare money goes for rent and imagine what the family eats daily? She’s a total wreckage as far as physical, mental and emotional health is concerned.
Case 2: In the past month, lots of things have happened in this lady’s life. She fell down the stairs and hurt her back bone; drunk husband came home and beat her up; due to stress and low immune system she has painful boils all over the body; she lost her cleaner’s job due to the MCs that she had taken; a close relative vented his anger on the husband by beating him up and also her in the process; she and family have been thrown out of their house by the landlord; and her four young children, including a 14-year-old boy, have not been going to school these past two weeks. Right now she needs a house to live in. We need donations to help find a house, pay deposit and rent for her family.
Case 3: This woman has made a police report against husband for drinking and beating up her and their tiny, malnourished children. The children didn’t go to school for 3 weeks because father didn’t send and on a few occasions kept them locked up in the house. She believes the police report would frighten him from repeating the same offence he’s been guilty of for the past 10 years. That’s what she believes. We had to help pay the house rent. And most of the money she gets doing a cleaner’s job, goes off to pay interest to Along. We need to help her have proper monthly income. Plus, 11-year-old son is showing signs of emulating father’s free way of life. He needs a responsible, firm and loving big brother to override the father’s image in his mind.
Case 4: Husband drug addict and often goes in and out of jail. This lady has 2 grown daughters who are mentally challenged and has one son who’s going to school. Son misses school because she has no extra money to pay the transport fee. She wants help but we don’t have enough volunteers to help her out.
Case 5: Husband drunkard, drug addict. She’s separated from him, but he’s still in control of her life as he comes by and haunts her continuously. She’s afraid to send the children anywhere. Struggling to make ends meet as she’s temporarily putting up in the hall area of her brother’s house. She asked for children’s school transport money but we’re not helping her yet due to inadequate funds.
Case 6: House full of love: Here, all in all there are 18 kids from 3 families living in a very tight space. Their houses, next to each other in one compound, is the size of our hall, which looks like it might fall on their heads anytime. In fact, they have all been asked to move out, but they are holding on as long as they can. Most of these kids have no BCs. They seriously need welfare help for their daily meals. We are looking for a tuition teacher to help give the light of education to this small community, at their place.
* There are many more: Families with fathers in jail, or unable to work due to accident, kids with serious health conditions, etc.
Cases That We Have Supported
1) School Transport fees:
— 4 children from Komala’s family: RM370 (including their extra-class transport)
— 3 children from Jane’s family: RM200 (this will increase because we want pay for transport to school as well. Otherwise if father drunk, they don’t go to school)
— A boy named Thives (recommended by school teacher): RM70
— Robert’s extra-class transport fee: RM55
— Joyce’s 3 children: RM165
2) Tuition:
— Teachers’ pay:
a. Anna teacher (RM250)
b. Mr Shiva (RM400)
— Food: Around RM100
— Transport: RM300
3) Monthly provisions for Komala (7 children), Jane (3 children), Latifa (4 children): Around RM600
4) Provisions for 3 families and 18 kids living in one area: Around RM400
5) Books, photostate, stationeries, etc: More than RM500 spent so far (Donated by KidsCare volunteers)
6) Miscellaneous:
a. Rent: We’ve had to pay some of these families’ house rents on a few occasions:
b. Monthly allocation for these families until they are able to be financially independent.
— Komala: RM700
— Latifa: RM500
— Jane: RM500
On May 10 2014, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, RTM, with the help of an NGO called Helping Hands, is giving a special Mother’s Day treat for underprivileged women. The NGO wants to make these women feel wanted, appreciated and give the feel of what ‘self-esteem’ is all about… something long forgotten in their lightless lives.
About 100 women will be present, KidsCare mums included.
These women will be given the ‘motherly’ honour they so deserve but never got in their lives, given hampers, gifts, etc.
Besides that The Helping Hands president, Dr Vasathi’s staff would be there helping to register women/families that need monthly provisions, welfare money, skill development programmes, etc. But they have only one development programme so far. We’ll look into other options.
We have a list of 40 women so far.
IF YOU are able to help in any way, all these families and all their children will be very, very thankful indeed. Please share this message on your wall and tag your friends to spread out the word..
*Those who wish volunteer or contribute or refer a person/family in need, please contact us at
T: +6 03 – 2260 5322
T: +6 03 – 2282 4980
Listed are few of our projects.

Kids Care Day Out - May 2014.

Visit to Orphanage
Rumah Kanak-kanak WP, Kepong, Selangor